Like the Qataris, let's not pay tax

What if we did like the Qataris? We don't have millions, but little by little the bird is nesting.


Like the Qataris, let's not pay taxDALL-E (OpenAI)

The Mediapart journalist Yann Philippin, tells us that in 2017, the little man accused of rape, who still runs the police, Gégé sheep's head (France's interior minister), made a very nice gift to the Qataris. He allowed them to avoid paying tax when Neymar was transferred.

If you or I don't pay tax on time, we get a reminder, even for 100 euros.
We're talking about 88 or even 224 million here, just imagine.

The scoundrels who run France and its colonies, are crushing us with all their taxes, only to benefit their cronies on the other side.

When will the people rise up?

Let's stop with the taxes. Why do we pay and they don't?
Look at the state of our hospitals, schools and justice system. Where does the money go?

Here is an extract from the article in question (translate from french with DeepL).


In french :
Quand le ministre Darmanin se faisait conseiller fiscal du PSG au détriment du Trésor public